Needless to say I already LOVE technological advances, even if they are not useful to me directly. I just think it's beautifuly how humans can think of and develop all these amazing technological things so quickly. But when it directly impacts me, I'm on cloud nine!
These netbooks (from Verizon) are amazing in that they are so small and can get me internet ANYWHERE- in my car, in the bathroom, on the beach, etc. That means if I'm ever lost, I can look up mapquest anywhere. If i have 15 minutes to kill between lessons, I can answer emails, read the news and become more efficient, eliminating down-time. Additionally, I can easily bring the netbook with me to lessons and play videos for my students, show them games and even bring up sheet music if one of us forgot to bring the paper copy for that lesson.
I would recommend ANY piano teacher to get one of these very inexpensive tools to enhance their lessons...