I think by now even kids are familiar with your friendly neighborhood supermarket rewards program for customers. The more you shop, the more rewards points you get--and at the end of the month you have an envelope full of coupons and certificates to use at the store. I personally think the program is fantastic and I admit it works to get me back in the store. There is something about earning points that you never grow out of!
Well, if you're having a hard time motivating your kid (or yourself) to practice and strive for improvement, I highly recommend a Piano Rewards Club. I have started implementing this system with most of my students and so far it has really worked wonders!
To start, you need a little notebook, like a practice log you can buy at your local piano store. Here is how the game works:
1 minute of practice = 1 point
New song mastered = 5-20 points (based on difficulty) per page
New song memorized= 5-20 pts per page (again based on difficulty)
Random games = Random amounts of p0ints
Then the kids collect the points and redeem them for prizes. I have a big prize bag with things that have different "prices". For the older kids, they can save up a ton of points for gift certificates to their favorite places. I also encourage that parents use the points system for things the kids want such as going out somewhere or getting some new gadget.
Now, this system is not just for kids! I've effectively used it on myself and therefore other adults can use it too. You just need someone else in the picture to help keep you accountable. For example, to encourage my own practice schedule, I earn points and redeem them for prizes from my husband such as a night out on the town or help with some task I really want to avoid (like cleaning the mold off of the bathroom wall).
So, everyone, I highly encourage you to create the Piano Rewards Program in your own home!