I think by now even kids are familiar with your friendly neighborhood supermarket rewards program for customers. The more you shop, the more rewards points you get--and at the end of the month you have an envelope full of coupons and certificates to use at the store. I personally think the program is fantastic and I admit it works to get me back in the store. There is something about earning points that you never grow out of!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Piano Rewards Club
I think by now even kids are familiar with your friendly neighborhood supermarket rewards program for customers. The more you shop, the more rewards points you get--and at the end of the month you have an envelope full of coupons and certificates to use at the store. I personally think the program is fantastic and I admit it works to get me back in the store. There is something about earning points that you never grow out of!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Teaching the Littlest Ones...
Perhaps my favorite part of teaching piano is the time when I teach the littlest ones...mostly under five years old. They are so positive, curious and fearless...and not to mention so cute!! One of my little students can't even pronounce my name correctly but he memorizes a little song by heart almost every week "just for teacher." And he just turned four.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Netbooks are Heaven-Sent for Piano Teachers!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing Back Out
Here is another good confession that I think many of you may relate to: I haven't practiced in two weeks and finally hit rock bottom yesterday. But the great thing is that I figured out how to climb out of the dark depressing hole.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Practice, Not Genius
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Piano Practice a "Cure" for ADHD?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Get Your Kids to Practice Piano with the Practice Raffle!
Parents often complain to me that their children won’t listen to them when they ask them to practice. It is a very common complaint among most parents whose children are taking music lessons, such as piano. It is especially true with youngsters who are not yet aware of the need for regular practice in order to reach their musical goals.
Parents feel that they don’t have the outside authority factor like the piano teacher and therefore their kids don’t listen to them because the request to practice is lumped in with all the other requests to do homework, chores, etc. and the kids don’t really take them seriously. It may sound funny, but some parents have actually asked me if I would mind calling the student a few times a week to remind them to practice because they would actually do it if I asked them. However, this is definitely not a practical suggestion for any family or piano teacher.
Many modern parents also want their children to enjoy piano lessons and only practice because they want to. Indeed, it is ideal that the children have a positive experience with piano lessons (or any music lessons) and not suffer the guilt trips that put such a negative light on any lessons they take. However, we all know that when given the choice, kids more often choose to play their new Wii rather than practice, no matter how much they say they love to play piano.
Therefore, in order to find an answer to this problem, we have to think like the kids and think of fun incentives that will reward them as well as get them to practice. Here is just one idea that has worked with many young students and may work with yours:
The Practice Raffle
-Shoe box
-Construction paper and other decorative materials
Now, every time that the student practices a certain amount of time (5, 10, 15 minutes depending on the child’s age and ability to focus at the piano) they get a ticket and they write their name on it and put it in the box.
Every time you, the parent, asks them to practice and they don’t, you put your name on a ticket and put it in the box. I think you know where this is leading….
At the end of a specified time agreed by all (maybe once a week or once a month), the family gets together and holds a raffle for a prize (such as candy or something else that you know will motivate your child). Obviously, the more the students practice, the better chance they have of winning. But the more times they refuse to practice, they have a great chance of losing. This works even better when there are multiple students in one family because it is more fun for more people to compete. Also, because one student’s refusal to practice can negatively impact their brother and sister’s chances of winning since the parents put “parent” tickets into the same box, the brothers and sisters will have an incentive to encourage each other to practice when a parent requests it.
I recommend smaller prizes such as candy and weekly raffles for smaller children because they are a little less patient than older students. This game may even work with teens if everyone agrees to bigger prizes such as movie tickets, etc. and less frequently raffles (monthly). The key is to give the kids incentives to practice, rather than just waiting to reward them once they finally learn a song because it takes some longer than others and practicing actually increases other useful skills such as patience, self-discipline, hard work, etc. Why reward a student when they learn a song with barely any effort? This method can also be used for a wide range of activities that parents must nag their kids about, whether it’s homework, exercise, chores, etc.Before You Take Piano Lessons...
- Why do you want to study piano now? What makes this time different from the past or the future?
- What specific goals do you want to meet? Do you want to become a professional pianist? A piano teacher? Do you want to be able to read music and gain musical independence? Do you just want to learn to play your favorite songs? Do you want to compose your own music?
- What inspired you to really want piano lessons now? Did you hear a song you absolutely loved and want to play? Do you admire someone who plays piano? Do you want bragging rights? Do you want to exercise your mental or physical abilities? Do you just want to explore it for fun or to compose your own music?
- How quickly do you want/need to achieve the goals you have in mind? Do you have short or long-term goals? Or both? Do you want to take piano lessons for a few months or a few years?
- How do you intend to work toward those goals? How much time per day or per week do you have time to practice? Do you have a convenient place to practice? Are you willing to take time to read supplementary materials to enhance your overall knowledge or do you consider that a waste of time? How much work or school work do you have and will it interfere with a regular practice schedule?
- How much money do you have to dedicate on average every month to piano lessons? Do you have money saved up and set aside specifically for lessons and materials?
- What is your hourly rate? Do you require monthly commitments or can I pay weekly? Do you have discounts for more lessons per week?
- Do you provide the materials or do I have to purchase my own? Which books or materials do you require?
- Talk about short & long term goals with the teacher. Ask their opinion on how long it would take you to reach your goals and whether they are reasonable. Teachers often have a better idea of the time and work required to reach different goals.
- Ask for a syllabus or a general plan of action that the teacher would follow to reach YOUR goals.
- Ask about the teacher's goals for you, they may be different or similar...